The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Drawing

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Drawing
Автор: Lauren Jarrett, Lisa Lenard
Название: The Complete Idiot\’s Guide to Drawing
Издательство: Alpha Books
Год: 2000
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.62 Мб
Язык: Английский
Страниц: 383

Книга на английском языке, адресованная людям, желающим научиться рисовать. В издании рассматриваются инструменты и материалы, используемые для создания карандашных зарисовок, принципы наблюдения, позволяющие наиболее точно воспроизвести объекты на бумаге, основные техники рисования карандашом. Все материалы сопровождаются поясняющими иллюстрациями и заданиями для самостоятельных занятий.

You will learn to unlock the artist within you so you too can draw and express yourself!! This book will show you how to use different basic mediums, such as pencils, charcoal, pen and ink. It will also teach you different types of drawing such as line, cartoon, figure, perspective and technical drawing. The book will include using shading, light, dimension, energy and mood techniques. Blank pages are included to serve as practice pages.

Part 1. Drawing and Seeing, Seeing and Drawing
1. The Pleasures of Seeing and Drawing
2. Toward Seeing for Drawing
3. Loosen Up
Part 2. Now You Are Ready to Draw
4. The Picture Plane
5. Finding the View
6. Negative Space as a Positive Tool
Part 3. Starting Out: Learning You Can See and Draw
7. A Room of Your Own
8. How To Get Started
9. Step Up to a Still Life: Composition, Composition, Composition
10. Toward the Finish Line
Part 4. Developing Drawing Skills
11. At the Finish Line: Are You Ready for More?
12. The Journal As a Path
13. This Is a Review—There Will Be a Test
14. All Around the House: A Few New Drawings to Try
15. Into the Garden with Pencils, not Shovels
Part 5. Out and About with Your Sketchbook
16. What’s Your Perspective?
17. This Land Is Your Land
18. Made by Man: Out in the Landscape
19. Houses and Other Structures
Part 6. Drawing Animals and People
20. It’s a Jungle Out There—So Draw It!
21. The Human Body and Its Extremities
22. Dress ’Em Up and Move ’Em Out
Part 7. Enjoying the Artist’s Life!
23. Just for Children
24. Decorate Your World
25. Express Yourself
26. The Artist’s Life

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