Название: Сумасшедшие гонки Оригинальное название: Wacky Races Год: 1968 Страна: США Жанр: Анимация, семейный Режиссер: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna Продолжительность: 34 ~ 0:12:00 серия Язык:Английский
Описание: Wacky Races is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The series features 11 different cars racing against each other in various road rallies, with each driver hoping to win the title of the \»World\’s Wackiest Racer.\» The cartoon was unusual in the large number of regular characters, twenty-four in total: the twenty-three people spread among the 11 race cars, plus the unseen (and never identified) race announcer. Another unusual feature of the series is that the stars of the show are the villains as opposed to the heroes.
1 See Saw To Arkansas 2 Creepy Trip to Lemon Twist 3 Why Oh Why Wyoming 4 Beat the Clock To Yellow Rock 5 Mish Mash Missouri Dash 6 Idaho A Go-Go 7 Scout Scatter 8 Free Wheeling to Wheeling 9 The Baja-Ha-Ha Race 10 Real Gone Ape 11 By Rollercoaster To Upsans Downs 12 The Speedy Arkansas Traveller 13 Rhode Island Road Race 14 The Great Cold Rush Race 15 Eeny Miny Missouri Go 16 The Super Silly Swamp Sprint 17 The Zippy Mississippi Race 18 Traffic Jambalaya 19 Hot Race At Chillicothe 20 The Wrong Lumber Race 21 Wacky Race To Ripsaw 22 Oils Well That Ends Well 23 Whizzin\’ To Washington 24 The Dipsy Doodle Desert Derby 25 Speeding for Smogland 26 Race Rally to Raleigh 27 The Dopey Dakota Derby 28 Dash to Delaware 29 Ballpoint Penn. Or Bust 30 Fast Track to Hackensack 31 Race to Racine 32 The Carlsbad or Bust Bash 33 The Ski Resort Road Race 34 Overseas Hi-Way Race